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Carriage rides in Braunwald
schuler-transporte.ch gmbh
schuler-transporte.ch gmbh
Carriage rides in Braunwald
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schuler-transporte.ch gmbh – Contacts & Location
Over 50 years of experience as a transport company
We take you to your destination with our electric cabs.
With the first electric taxi in Switzerland, you can treat yourself to a unique experience.
With our four-wheel drive cab, we are able to offer accident and patient transportation around the clock and in almost any weather!
- Electric cab service
- Transportation
- Crane work
- Miscellaneous cleaning services
- Carriage rides
- Electric carriage
- Accident and ambulance transportation
Schuler-Transporte has over 50 years of experience on the narrow and sometimes steep paths of Braunwald. The company was founded by Renate Schuler Senior and her husband in 1963, and three of their four children work in the business today. Siblings Jakob and Renate Schuler run the business, while Peter Schuler works as a company mechanic. His girlfriend Ramona Zweifel sits behind the wheel and on the coach.
Schuler Transporte is always on duty, from early in the morning until late at night, from Monday to Sunday. This has always been the case. However, the means of transportation have changed. In the past, horses pulled carriages or sleighs and transported suitcases, building materials and much more. Today, the horses mainly drive people to birthday parties, weddings and other cozy, contemplative or happy occasions.
- German
- Local Transport
- Phone
- By telephone,Online
- In the mountains,Mountain view
- Tipper Truck,Truck
- Transport within Switzerland,24/7 availability,Emergency transport,Hospital transfer,Large events,Special Events and Tours
- Cash
- Land
- Heavy Transport,Skip & Container Service
- Electric Taxi
- Categories
- Carriage ridesTransportTaxi