Supper Holzbildhauerei arbeiten
Einzigartige Schnitzereien
June 6, 2020 | Ruth FischerJuli und August auch Sonntags geöffnet
Juli und August auch Sonntags geöffnet
For over 100 years, our sculptors have been carving figurines which have made our craft known all over the world. This craft, and the classic style of the Huggler figurines, have been passed down through generations of talented sculptors and painters and are still practised with great care in our workshops in Brienz today.
We still carve the original Swiss nativity scene designed by Hans Huggler-Wyss in 1915 based on his models. Thetraditional costume figures are also a proud part of our range. Animal figurines, hardened bears, eagles, madonnas and other classical figurines are another part of our range.
Our creative wood sculptors are constantly adding to the range. Whether classic or modern, the love of craftsmanship is reflected in all our products.
Visit our website and immerse yourself in our company's wide range of products. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and look forward to every visit to our premises in Brienz!
Einzigartige Schnitzereien
June 6, 2020 | Ruth Fischer