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Taxi in Bulle

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All Taxi in Bulle


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Taxi in Bulle

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MTaxi – Contacts & Location


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MTaxi - Your reliable partner for all your journeys



ASTAG Specialist Groups


Bonus offers / Discounted rates

Discounted rates for individuals with AHV and IV,Package deal,Taxi subscription,Taxi voucher

Forms of contact

By telephone,Free consulting,On the customer’s premises


Close to train station,In city center

Number of passengers

Up to 10 people


Private chauffeur,Women's taxi,Taxi service,Transport within Switzerland,Vehicle Rental

Terms of payment

American Express,Maestro,Mastercard,Postcard,TWINT

Types of Transport

Taxi Rides

Vehicle type

Luxury/Executive Taxi,Sedan and Taxi Cab
TaxiLimousine serviceAirport transferTransportCar rentalsChauffeur Service

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