Gallery (5) Focus sentinel Focus sentinel Description Contains automatically translated texts. Show original Active loading indicator Active loading indicator
Disinfection Vermin Bedbugs Lausanne Mice Pests Ants Wasps
Deratization Fleas Silverfish Mites Vaud Lausanne
Depigging Weasels
Framework treatment Xylophagous
Facade protection Swallows
For all pests:
Bacteriological disinfection
Beetles (cockroaches), rodents
Wasps, ants, moths
Depigeoning Pigeons Nets
House beetles, Ciron beetles
Fungi, merula, poria
In all cases:
Private or real estate
Real estate companies
Hotel and catering Preventive maintenance subscriptions
Food industry Application of IFS 5 standards
Read more Reviews for COMAS Désinfection SA (2) 2 reviews & 1 comments for COMAS Désinfection SA Rating 5.0 of 5 stars
5.0 / 5 (2)
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Comments (1) efficace et rapide un grand merci de nous soulager de ces horribles guêpes et frelon qui nous envahissent jusque dans la maison. merci madame la secrétaire pour votre rapidité. salutations j guillaume boussens.
July 9, 2020 | guillaumejojo
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