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Astrology in Ettingen
Astrology in Ettingen
Termine nach Vereinbarung
Termine nach Vereinbarung
ASK – Contacts & Location
Positioning, reorientation, question horoscope
The first goal of an astrological consultation is a thorough personality analysis. In my astrological practice, I work with the help of a horoscope: the graphic representation of the sky at a specific point in time (time of birth) from a specific point on earth (place of birth). This makes it possible to analyze the basic psychological structures of a person.
Bringing these structures to consciousness helps you to better exploit your potential and live in harmony with yourself. Through guided dialog, we can find out how you have lived this up to now, what you have developed, what you have accepted, what you have repressed and what you have projected. The horoscope does not show what stage of development you are currently at, nor what you have become. The horoscope describes the potential, it is the map. People have free will: How they go through their paths is up to them.Another goal of astrological advice is the so-called annual horoscope. Using various methods, I analyze the "quality of time": what the time is suitable for now, what the main themes are in the current year. These are not predictions, but probabilities that depend on a person's level of consciousness and personal experiences. This allows you to describe cycles and gain a sense of recurring or new, unexpected situations.Other options for astrological advice are:- Partnership analysis, Quality and meaning of a relationship, communication, common goals, sexuality, etc.
- professional topics, talents and skills, preferred working atmosphere, relationships with coworkers, relationships with superiors, independence, responsibility, teamwork
- Children's horoscopes, as an educational and understanding aid. What does a child need to develop its abilities optimally, what talents, possible conflicts, etc.
- Astrological timing, The appropriate time for e.g: Surgeries, starting a business, marriage, etc.
A consultation lasts 90 minutes and takes place in my practice in Dornach.
For more information, please visit my homepage and do not hesitate to call me.
Your Silvia Schiesser-Seldes
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