Top Massage
Sie weiss genau wo die Schmerzen herkommen. Genial
March 30, 2022 | crazy.jasteWelcome to the Bellerive practice
Enjoy the relaxation and balance of body and mind! Welcome to my home page and thank you for your interest!
"People have two wishes: to grow old and to stay young!"
Author unknown
My range of treatments
These offers will help you to relax and feel better again:
- Classic massage
- Hot stone massage
- Foot reflexology
- Lymphatic drainage
- Cupping
- Moxen
- Sports massage
Classical massage
... is the most common manual therapy and inspires both athletes and non-athletes. It can be used to prevent and maintain good health, but also to treat various problems
- Promotes blood circulation and metabolism
- Loosens muscles and connective tissue
- Loosens adhesions in tissue layers
- Reduces stress, strengthens the immune system
- Increases well-being
Sports massage
... is a form that primarily aims to prevent sports-related injuries. The desired results depend on the demands placed on the muscles. It serves to improve performance, supports recovery from overexertion and, last but not least, aims to promote local and general relaxation. The term "sports massage" refers to the use of massage as part of a training program as well as before, during and after a competition or training session. Sports massage primarily uses classic massage techniques and is individually tailored to the type of sport, the athlete and the objectives of the sport.
In addition to identifying and eliminating conditions that impair performance, the aim of sports massage should be to have a beneficial effect on the athlete's bodily function.I have been coaching regional football clubs since 2003, currently the 1st team of FC Hergiswil (2nd interregional league)
Alarm pain treatment
Alarm pain occurs when the brain wants to protect us from imminent physical injury. In the vast majority of cases, it is not damage such as osteoarthritis, heel spurs, carpal tunnel syndrome, calcium deposits, disc hernias, etc. that causes the pain. Osteoarthritic, worn cartilage has no pain receptors, it does not hurt. What hurts is everything around the joint, the capsule, the muscles with the muscle sheaths, the nerves, which are not free in the bottlenecks, the joints and vertebrae, which are not loaded properly straight, the joint mobility, which is restricted, etc.
They tell their whole story.
They tell their entire medical history of how it all started. The therapist carries out mobility tests. At the end, the therapist simply wants to know exactly where the pain is, in which position or with which movement the pain is triggered. They trigger the pain at a certain joint angle, e.g. at 60 degrees knee flexion. You memorize this pain, it is now 100% for you. The therapist presses on a number of bone points, which you feel on the one hand as exactly this pain that you always feel, but also other points a little further away, which also hurt, but only indirectly have something to do with your pain. The pressure on the bone points is relatively strong, but quite bearable. You can say at any time if it is too strong.
After this PERIOSTPRESSING, 90% of patients who previously remembered the pain as 100% feel between 0% (no pain) or a maximum of 30% residual pain.
The kinesiology tape
The method
Kinesiology tape is still often referred to as a revolutionary therapy method. However, kinesiology taping has been used worldwide for more than 35 years with great success for all pain problems - such as neck problems and back pain.
The kinesiology taping method was developed by Japanese chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase back in the 1970s.
His main aim was to support the body's own healing processes using a special material and the corresponding application technique.
The kinesiology tape is modeled on the properties of the skin and therefore transmits positive sensory information to our body. The application techniques were developed following kinesiology tests and were therefore also responsible for the name of the material and the therapy. .
Foot reflexology massage
... is a popular massage technique that is based on the assumption that all the organs of the human body can be seen on the soles of the feet. Through the targeted application of stimulating stimuli, the feet trigger reactions in the corresponding organs and activate the body's self-healing powers. The treatment has an effect on both the physical and mental/emotional areas.
- releases energy throughout the body
Psychozone massage
... is a very gentle massage technique that triggers a deep state of relaxation. The aim is to release physical and mental blockages that are responsible for restlessness, lack of concentration, sleep problems, physical and mental exhaustion, burnout, various types of addiction and anxiety, etc. Psychozone massage is also very suitable for children and adolescents.
- Restlessness, lack of concentration
- Nervousness, stress
- Sleep disorders
- Energy blockages
- Test anxiety
- Addictive behavior
- Physical and mental weaknesses
- Menopausal symptoms
- Insecurity, inhibitions
- Relaxation and promotion of well-being
Prenatal work metamorphosis
... assumes that energy blockages and health problems can have their origins in the prenatal period. The process of transformation (metamorphosis) is set in motion through an extremely gentle massage of the spinal zone, feet, hands and head. Behavioral or reaction patterns can be made conscious and overcome.
Hot stone massage
... is a fascinating combination of massage, aromatherapy and thermotherapy. It is a very old form of therapy whose origins can be found among the indigenous peoples of America and Asia. Body and mind are brought into harmony. The warm stones - in combination with a harmonious massage - can also release deep-seated tension. The feeling of harmony and balance is inspiring!
- Back pain
- Muscular tension
- Rheumatic complaints
- Blood circulation
- Anxiety and tension
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Fibromyalgia
Lymphatic drainage
... our body's waste products such as waste products, toxins and excess tissue fluid are removed via the lymphatic system. If this disposal does not work properly, it can lead to disorders in the lymphatic system. Water retention, swelling and congestion occur. Manual lymphatic drainage helps to stimulate our lymphatic system and drain the tissue. Recommended for:
- general regeneration
- bags under the eyes, couperose, facial oedema
- acne, rosacea, scars
- migraines, headaches
- inflammation of the nose, throat and ear area
- chron. Diseases such as colds, bronchitis
- Allergies (hay fever)
- Strengthens the immune system, increases general resistance
- Ulcers from injuries, bruises, sprains, hematomas
- Operations (pre- and post-operative conditions)
- Oedema due to venous lymphatic drainage disorders (swollen legs)
- Cycle complaints in women (increased water retention)
- Cellulite treatment (bikini figure)
- Pregnancy care
- Rheumatic diseases
- Osteoarthritis
... has a long tradition in China as well as here. Cupping glasses are used to create a vacuum, which increases local blood circulation. This activates the metabolism and removes toxins and waste products
... is the heat treatment with glowing mugwort on precise acupuncture points or zones. The heat penetrates deep into the tissue, increasing blood circulation and oxygen exchange in the respective area, the meridians and the organs.
Price140 CHF
Sie weiss genau wo die Schmerzen herkommen. Genial
March 30, 2022 | crazy.jasteIch und meine Frau gehen regelmässig zu Susi Bucher, wenn es wieder mal zwickt, spannt ode klemmt. Oder einfach auch mal weil es einfach allgemein eine Gute Behandlung ist. Sehr zu empfehlen - habe auch schon einige aus unserem Fitness zu Susi geschickt - viele Leiden kann man mit einer Massage lindern….
January 3, 2022 | marceljostPrice140 CHF