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Window treatments and blinds in Rickenbach LU
Storen Team Koch GmbH
Storen Team Koch GmbH
Window treatments and blinds in Rickenbach LU
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Storen Team Koch GmbH – Contacts & Location
Welcome to the homepage of Storen Team Koch. We have been operating throughout Central Switzerland since 2009. We focus on products that are of high quality and offer good value for money. We set high standards for ourselves in terms of the quality of our work. The aim of our work is to have satisfied customers who still enjoy the product and the work we have done years later. We guarantee our customers that we have completed our work to the best of our knowledge and belief.
From sun blinds, slats and roller shutters to a simple insect screen - we plan everything completely and implement your ideas according to your wishes. We do this in collaboration with our partners who supply high-quality products.The sun blinds from Sonnentuch AG in Gossau correspond exactly to our motto: easy to install, service-friendly, high-quality and yet affordable.
These products are also produced exclusively in Switzerland.
The slat blinds at Lamex in Regensdorf and the roller shutters at Rollmatt in Eichberg.
Aluminum shutters give your house a new look. Any color is possible. On the one hand, there are three different surfaces: satin matt, gloss or textured. On the other hand, a wood look is also possible. Let us inspire you. We will be happy to advise you in your home.
Leave the pests outside. With the insect screens from Rollfix, you have the right solution. These are also available in special shapes and with integrated cat doors.
Whether pleated blinds, roller blinds, slats or strip curtains. We have the right solution for almost every window. MHZ has products that will impress you.The Storenteam Koch repairs almost everything, not only our own brands but also products from other manufacturers. Repairs are mainly carried out on site, i.e. at your home. This is thanks to the van that has been converted into a mobile workshop. This saves double travel expenses and you have control over the actual time required.
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- Window treatments and blindsBlindsSun protection