Center of Competence in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (CCPP)
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at CHVR offers human and professional therapeutic skills to people suffering from psychological disorders, helping them to find the best possible relief.
Children, adolescents, adults and the elderly in psychic, existential or relational distress (as well as their loved ones) who require the help of specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy, can at any time, directly or through their family doctor, call all the Centres de Compétences de Psychiatrie & Psychothérapie (CCPP) on the single number: 0800 012 210.
The CCPPs carry out the following missions:
- Outpatient psychiatric and psychotherapy consultations
- Psychiatric emergencies, including in emergency health services
- Therapeutic day clinic
- Interventions in the community by mobile teams
- Consultation and liaison psychiatry for all CHVR somatic establishments and the Hôpital du Chablais
- Supervision of mental health competencies in primary care and somatic medicine
- Animation of the Réseau Entraide Valais (REVs): health promotion and prevention
Therapeutic modalities can be dispensed on site, in the living environment, within all Valais Hospital facilities, with partners in the socio-health network, in an emergency as well as on a planned basis. Treatments are applied individually, in families, in groups or in workshops, according to the main models recognized in psychiatry and psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, systemic)
CCPPs bring together the expertise of multidisciplinary teams made up of psychiatric physicians, psychologists, nurses, medico-technical caregivers specializing in perinatal care, children and adolescents, adults and the elderly. They work in the comprehensive treatment of mental suffering and disorders, psycho-oncology, palliative care, difficult bereavement situations, intra-family abuse, trauma, eating disorders, mental disability, prison medicine and psychiatric expertise.