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Practice in Wolfhausen
Praxis für Atlaslogie
Praxis für Atlaslogie
Practice in Wolfhausen
Praxis für Atlaslogie – Contacts & Location
Atlaslogy can help with
Various types of back pain
Whiplash trauma
Joint pain
Neck pain, tension
Dizziness and balance problems
Discomfort in the entire head area (jaw, ears, eyes, migraines)
Internal restlessness, anxiety, depression
Sleep disorders
Digestive problems
Concentration disorders
After a fall, accident, whiplash
After giving birth (baby, mother)
During and after orthodontic treatment (e.g. braces, after long periods of time)
During and after orthodontic treatment (e.g. braces, after long periods of time)
and much more...
Atlaslogy is a holistic, gentle method of centering the upper cervical vertebra, the atlas. It can be used to eliminate the causes of complaints and as a preventative health measure. The method can balance and correct any pelvic misalignment, blockages in the muscular and nervous system, functional disorders, incorrect posture and nerve compression.
We atlas logists only use our hands and do not perform any back movements on the client.
The atlas can subluxate, i.e. shift, as a result of various events. This subluxation can change the statics of the spine, which in turn can cause direct or indirect pressure on nerves and blood vessels and thus trigger various complaints. Centering the atlas can restore the best possible statics to the spine and correct any pelvic misalignment.
Appointments by appointment by phone or email.
Thank you in advance.