Gippa Jean-Jacques SA has been established in Aigle since 1911, when it was founded. We specialize in heating and sanitary work. Our technical office is able to study every project, from villa to industry.
We currently employ around twenty staff, enabling us to respond quickly, with skilled manpower.
We train apprentices and have a 24-hour breakdown service, comprising 4 breakdown workers with specially-equipped maintenance vehicles, which guarantees our customers a follow-up of their installations as well as rapid interventions.
At Gippa Jean-Jacques SA, we handle every project from A to Z, from technical study to completion, whether in the private sector or on an industrial scale, and nothing concerning water, compressed air or steam holds any secrets for Jean-Jacques Gippa and his team.
We are able to offer all kinds of sanitary installations, from small bathrooms to industrial works.
Aside from this traditional activity in the sanitary sector, Gippa Jean-Jacques SA also handles :
- household appliances,
- installation of household appliances (refrigerator, washing machine, dryer, etc.)
- the installation of anti-limescale devices with verified efficiency for already existing installations.
As for heating, the company works in the complete installation, whether it runs on gas or methane, and participates in the installation of heat pumps, whose economic and ecological advantages are no longer in need of demonstration.
So ask the specialist, now that you know the address !
Gas boilers:
- The wall-mounted gas boiler
- Floor-mounted gas condensing boiler
- Power 4.9 kW - 120.6 kW
Oil-fired boiler:
- Latest-generation oil-fired heating with condensing technology
- Solar technology
- Economically advantageous and ecologically justified
2 Addresses:
- Rue des Artisans 14 - 1860 Aigle
- Rue du Cotterd 1 - 1180 Bex