I began my training with a reflexology course in 2003. Afterwards, I attended the Medical Technical High School for five years on a part-time basis to obtain my diploma as a medical massage therapist in 2011. From June 2011 to August 2014, I worked with a physical therapist in Novazzano half time to devote the other half time to my private practice. Since August 2014, I have been working full time in my medical massage practice.
During my continuing education, I have deepened and learned the following techniques:
- Dien Cham or facial reflexology - Mendrisio
- Visceral Manipulation 1 - Lugano
- Dorn Method and Breuss Massage - Lugano
- Techniques of Reboutement module 1 and 2 - Echandens
- In-depth study of Foot Reflexotherapy - Lugano
- In-depth Study of Lymphatic Drainage - Lugano
- Manuelle Matrixtherapie parietal and visceral lymphatic pumping techniques - Novaggio
- Manuelle Matrixtherapie functional massage techniques and myofascial adjustment
- Kinesiotaping 1/2/3 - Lugano
- CAS psycho-oncological approach - Supsi - Lugano
Also always fascinated by posture, in 2012 I started a Pilates instructor training. Since 2013 I have been teaching Pilates classes for ProSenectute and for younger people I offer weekly classes in postural gymnastics.