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Pharmacy in Neuchâtel

Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon logo
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Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 3 ratings

Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon

All Pharmacy in Neuchâtel

Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon

Prestations pharmaceutiques, Médecine naturelle, HoméopathieCéline Boutherin, Pharmacienne Responsable
Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon logo

Pharmacy in Neuchâtel

PremiumPremium Entry
Opening times Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon
Open – Closes heute um 19:00
  1. Monday
    8:00 to 19:00
  2. Tuesday
    8:00 to 19:00
  3. Wednesday
    8:00 to 19:00
  4. Thursday
    8:00 to 19:00
  5. Friday
    8:00 to 19:00
  6. Saturday
    8:00 to 18:00
  7. Sunday

Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon – Contacts & Location


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Pharmacie Marti: managing your health made easy.



Assessment & Treatment

Cold and Flu Symptoms,Cystitis check,Earache,Eye Inflammation,Gastrointestinal discomfort,Headache and migraine,Sore throat,Wound care

Checks & Measurements

Blood Glucose Monitor Check,Blood glucose measurement,Blood pressure monitoring,COVID-19 Test,Cholesterol screening

Complementary Medicine

Aromatherapy,Spagyric Medicine

Forms of contact

By telephone,Free consulting,In-store,Online


COVID-19 Vaccine,Hepatitis A and B,Influenza vaccination,Tick vaccination against TBE viruses

Item Rental

Blood glucose meters,Sphygmomanometer


Close to public transport,Parking site,Wheelchair-accessible


Cosmetics,Medications,Natural cosmetic products


COVID-19 self-test,Smoking cessation programs,Weight management consultations

Terms of payment

Accepts Credit-Card,Accepts EC-Card,American Express,Cash,Contactless payment,EUR,Google Pay,Maestro,Mastercard,Postcard,TWINT,Visa
PharmacyHealth counsellingHomeopathyNaturopathyHealth care centerHomeopathic (not included in doctors category)Strengthen HealthDoctors

Reviews for Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon (3)

3 reviews & 0 comments for Pharmacie Marti | Vauseyon

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars

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