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Alternative Therapy in Sion
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All Alternative Therapy in Sion
Alternative Therapy in Sion
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Opening times OPTIMUMSANTE
Closed – Opens tomorrow at 9:00 AM
- MondayClosed
- Tuesday *11:00 to 19:00
- WednesdayClosed
- Thursday *11:00 to 19:00
- FridayClosed
- Saturday9:00 to 12:00
- SundayClosed
Days marked with * by arrangement
- MondayClosed
- Tuesday *11:00 to 19:00
- WednesdayClosed
- Thursday *11:00 to 19:00
- FridayClosed
- Saturday9:00 to 12:00
- SundayClosed
Days marked with * by arrangement- Monday
OPTIMUMSANTE – Contacts & Location
- English,French,German
- By telephone,Online
- Close to public transport,Close to train station,In city center,Parking site
- Allergies and food intolerances,Chronic colds,Chronic fatigue,Chronic inflammations,Circulatory disorders,Circulatory problems,Degenerative processes,Digestive disorders,Dizziness,ENT problems,Headaches,Hormonal regulation disorders,Loss of performance,Lung diseases,Mild depression,Nervousness,PMS and menopause,Pain,Psychovegetative disorders,Rheumatic diseases,Scar and wound pain,Skin problems,Sleep disorders,Strengthening of the immune system,Vaccine stress,Wart treatment,Weight optimisation
- Behandlung in Gruppen,Einzelbehandlung,Individual treatment,Naturheilkundlche Begleitung,Naturopathic accompaniment,Online appointment booking,Online-Terminbuchung,Prevention,Prävention,Supervision,Treatment in groups
- Cash,TWINT
- Coaching and counselling,Coaching und Beratung,Detoxification,Dietetics,Diätetik,Entgiftung,Ernährungsberatung,Ernährungstherapie,Food,Food supplements,Frauenheilkunde,Gynaecology,Healing tea,Heilkräuter,Heiltee,Humoral medicine,Humoralmedizin,Lebensmittel,Medicinal herbs,Micronutrient therapy,Mikronährstofftherapie,Nahrungsergänzungsmittel,Natural hormones,Natural remedies,Naturheilkundliche Praktiken NHP,Naturheilmittel,Naturopathic practices NHP,Natürliche Hormone,Nutritional counselling,Nutritional therapy,Phytotherapie,Phytotherapy,Schuessler salts,Schüssler Salze
- Adolescents,Adults and senior citizens,Erwachsene und Senioren,Jugendliche,Klein- und Schulkinder,Pregnant women,Schwangere,Small children and schoolchildren
- Categories
- Alternative TherapyNutritionPhytotherapy (not included in doctors category)
Forms of contact
Main focus
Terms of payment
Treatment methods and products
Treatment spectrum
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