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Homes for the elderly with nursing care in Basel

Gustav Benz Haus
Gustav Benz Haus logo
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Gustav Benz Haus

All Homes for the elderly with nursing care in Basel
Gustav Benz Haus

Gustav Benz Haus

Zentrum für Pflege - Wohnen mit ServiceEngagement für ein Leben im Alter
Gustav Benz Haus logo

Homes for the elderly with nursing care in Basel

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Opening times Gustav Benz Haus
Closed – Opens tomorrow at 8:00 AM
  1. Monday
    8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
  2. Tuesday
    8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
  3. Wednesday
    8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
  4. Thursday
    8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
  5. Friday
    8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday

Gustav Benz Haus – Contacts & Location

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Relaxed living and remaining independent. At home in the Gustav Benz House.




Accessible accommodation,Barrier-free shower,Emergency call line in the bathroom,Entire residential unit is wheelchair accessible,Floor-level shower,Shower stool,Upper floors accessible by lift,WC with handles,Wheelchair-accessible bathroom

Activation offerings

Baking,Celebrations with residents,Cooking,Excursions,Movie screenings,Physical activities,Reading aloud,Religious service,Singing,Crafting & Working,Dancing,Devotions & Worship services,Game afternoons,Gardening,Handicrafts (crocheting, sewing & knitting)

Care offerings and housing options

Activation & daily activities,Care and support,Elderly care home,Palliative care,Physiotherapy

Care services and housing options

Assisted dying,Assisted living,Day and night clinic,Emergency call system,Garden area,Rental apartments with service offerings

Forms of contact

By telephone,Online

Gastronomy & Events

Banquets, catering,Cafeteria

Hand and foot care

Foot care


Close to public transport,Close to train station,In city center,Parking site,Wheelchair-accessible


Full board


Minor repairs,Cleaning,Hairdresser

Short-term care

Half-day or full-day care,Night care

Spitex Services

Spitex emergency call

Working in the facility

Apprenticeships,Care professionals,Civil service,Cook,Internships,Nursing professionals
Homes for the elderly with nursing careLiving in old ageChairsRetirement communitiesSenior CitizensAssisted living

Reviews for Gustav Benz Haus (1)

1 reviews & 1 comments for Gustav Benz Haus

Comments (1)

Rating 1.0 of 5 stars


Weil die meisten Insassen(ja richtig Insassen)nicht mehr wissen was sie gestern gegessen haben scheint es Ihnen gleich zu sein dass es sich praktisch jede Woche wiederholt.Man propagiert auch ganz gross Diätkost zuzubereiten.Ich bin Insulinpflichtiger Diabetiker und leide an einer Laktose Intoleranz.Wenn ich also strenge Diät halten will muss ich mir selber helfen.Und wenn es mir nicht passt könne ich ja gehen!!!Zitat von der Leiterin!!!Beispiel gefällig??Es gab Quark und "Geschwellte Kartoffel"zum Nachtessen. Ich fragte nach laktosefreiem Quark,den gab es nicht also bekam ich 2 Kartöffelchen.Nein ....gute Noten kann ich da nicht vergeben.

June 16, 2020 | vamba5

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