Mit Abstand die beste Hundetrainerin die wir je besucht haben!
May 27, 2024 | Kevin PodaAs humans, it is our job to offer dogs a species-appropriate and happy life. We want a reliable social partner who voluntarily follows our lead. This requires guidelines within which the dog can move freely. The prerequisites for this are clarity in the distribution of roles and in communication. These are important pillars for harmonious cooperation in the human-dog relationship. With the right leadership characteristics, it becomes a matter of course to be able to rely on each other. The aim is to achieve a lasting effect with knowledge, structure, understanding and sensitivity.
Dog training and dog education
My dog school offers professional dog training and dog education for all breeds and age groups. Using individual training methods, we together promote basic obedience and the socialization of your dog. Whether leash walking, recall training or safe encounters with other dogs, I will support you and your four-legged friend on the way to harmonious coexistence.
Young dog courses and puppy training
My young dog courses and puppy training are specially designed to provide optimal support during the most important stages of your dog's development. In my puppy courses, the focus is on building a bond with your four-legged friend and carefully familiarizing and socializing the dog. The reliable recall and preparation for leash walking are also worked on together step by step. In the young dog courses, the basic commands are trained and the training is deepened and consolidated. The dog courses that are compulsory in the canton of Zurich are also part of my offer.
Dog owner coaching
A successful education process starts with you as the owner. With my dog owner coaching, I offer you valuable tips and techniques for dog training and dog behavior training. Learn to understand dog language and respond to your dog's needs. My goal is to build a trusting relationship between you and your dog.
Individual dog behavior consultation
Every dog is unique and has different needs. In my dog behavior consulting I offer tailor-made solutions for dog behavior problems. Whether it's leash aggression, separation anxiety or other behavioral problems, I develop an individual training plan that is specifically tailored to your dog's needs.
Physical and mental exercise
In addition to training, species-appropriate exercise is also important. My program offers varied activities that challenge both the mind and the body of your dog in a meaningful way. The whole thing takes place in a simple and natural way so that it can be easily carried out in everyday life and on every walk.
Sign up for my dog courses and benefit from my many years of experience in dog training. Visit my website or contact me directly to find out more about my courses and services.
Mit Abstand die beste Hundetrainerin die wir je besucht haben!
May 27, 2024 | Kevin Poda