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Psychology in Fribourg
Dr Frölicher Stefanie
Dr Frölicher Stefanie
Psychology in Fribourg
Dr Frölicher Stefanie – Contacts & Location
Dr. Frölicher
Become proficient at managing the stress, demands and overloads that life throws at us.
In my practice, you can - with professional guidance - give your themes a platform.
People deal with stress in very different ways. Some face difficulties by analyzing, thinking and talking, others by appealing to their bodies, experiences and perceptions.
My offer therefore includes both psychological counseling and sophrology methods.
In the first approach, we carry out an analysis of the problem, clarify emotions, try to understand them, work out solutions together, go in search of existing resources, try to strengthen them and use them to find solutions.
In the second approach, we approach the solution through bodily perception and the beneficial relaxation of body and mind using sophrological methods.
These two approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they often interweave and stimulate each other.
- French,German
- Supplementary insurance
- By telephone
- Close to public transport,Close to train station,In city center,Parking site
- Accepts Credit-Card,Bill,Cash,Invoice,TWINT
- Burnout,Divorce/separation,Emotion regulation impairments,Feelings of guilt,Job dissatisfaction,Lack of motivation,Life crises,Psychological coping with an illness,Stress,Worries and rumination
- Categories
- PsychologySophrologyPsychological counseling