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Private school in Lausanne
Private school in Lausanne
Gallery (9)
- Monday8:00 to 18:00
- Tuesday8:00 to 18:00
- Wednesday8:00 to 18:00
- Thursday8:00 to 18:00
- Friday8:00 to 18:00
- SaturdayClosed
- SundayClosed
- Monday8:00 to 18:00
- Tuesday8:00 to 18:00
- Wednesday8:00 to 18:00
- Thursday8:00 to 18:00
- Friday8:00 to 18:00
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- Monday
PrEP – Contacts & Location
PrEP (Albert Grun, founder) - Préparation aux Examens Préalables des Hautes écoles suisses.
Entering university without maturité is possible, at PrEP Lausanne!
Examen Préalable de l'Université de Lausanne (Unil)! - 10 months
Examen Passerelle Dubs -6 months
Examen ECUS - 10 months
Examens préalables de l'UNIL
Do you want to enroll in one of the following six faculties at the University of Lausanne: Biology, Law, Geosciences and Environment, Business Administration, Humanities, Medicine, Criminal Sciences, Social and Political Sciences, Theology and Religious Studies? To do so, you need to pass the UNIL Preliminary Entrance Examinations, which we prepare you for in ten months.
Passerelle Dubs
If you have a vocational or specialized Maturité and would like to join the world of academia, the "Passerelle Dubs" gives you access to all universities, polytechnics and teacher training colleges. PrEP, which has the most experience of this exam in Switzerland, prepares you for it in six months.
Do you have a foreign baccalaureate or higher qualification? Does the Swiss university of your choice require you to pass the ECUS complementary exam? The ECUS exam allows holders of non-recognized foreign qualifications to be admitted to a Swiss university. PrEP prepares you for this exam in ten months.
.- French
- By telephone,Online
- In city center,Parking site
- Categories
- Private schoolInstituteUniversity of applied sciencesVocational collegeUniversityEducation centreTraining institute