Efficace, preparato e gentile
La terapia proposta é efficace, la discussione arricchente e l’ambiente rilassato. Ci sono prende il tempo necessario e ci si sente a proprio agio.
January 3, 2022 | Andrea BronzFür akute Fälle ausser Betriebszeiten: sms an 076 382 53 04
Für akute Fälle ausser Betriebszeiten: sms an 076 382 53 04
A holistic system of restoring and caring for one's health
.Why systemic unicist homeopathy?
Unicist homeopathy is a method of natural cures developed by C. S. Hahnemann, a German physician, beginning in 1796, based on the observation of natural biological phenomena of both disease and healing. Over the years it has proven its full effectiveness, those who have applied this method have been able to verify its advantages, benefits and lasting results. Over the years, the homeopathic treatment system has expanded to include an ever-increasing number of effective remedies that make possible the precise treatment of a greater number of people, developing a holistic methodology such that today we can speak of
Systemic unicist homeopathy.
It is aimed at curing the person on all planes of existence (physical, emotional and mental), and does not merely conceal symptoms but aims to eliminate the causes of disorders, taking into consideration:
the person's constitution
his family history
the vital dynamics (miasms sec. Hahnemann and other authors)
personal (and possibly family) history)
the organs and systems affected.
Homeopathic treatment thus constitutes a healing path in which the person gradually experiences states of increasing well-being, regaining his or her emotional, mental and physical balance, freeing themselves from those limitations of all kinds that can affect the quality of life. It is supplemented where appropriate with targeted supplies of Schüssler's salts or mother tinctures, or other phytotherapeutic or natural preparations. Since this is a healing pathway, it goes without saying that homeopathic treatment cannot be condidered fully concluded - in general - after taking a single remedy, but requires subsequent 'supplements' (further remedies) to be taken at more or less regular intervals.
The homeopathic treatment is not a healing process.
Although in some circles the homeopathic method is still the subject of some skepticism, it has proven valid and effective in countless cases and is based on the observation of natural laws, foremost among them the law of resonance from which derives the principle underlying homeopathy: that of similarity: Similia similibur curentur, i.e., like cures like.
How long does a homeopathic treatment last? Homeopathy is said to be slow: this is only partly true; the benefits are immediate, but the elimination of the causes, however, takes time. In acute cases, homeopathy is usually faster than any other method: it all depends on how long the discomfort was present and the depth and duration of the underlying cause(s). Healing involves a path of personal growth (evolution), which certainly does not happen in a few weeks, but is continuous and lifelong. Homeopathy helps to overcome the most significant obstacles in this evolutionary path. Those with constancy and perseverance in treatment achieve results, even in the most difficult cases. Homeopathic treatment respects personal evolutionary time, and markedly improves the quality of life.
The homeopathic method is useful both in acute cases (e.g., otitis, bronchitis, cystitis, dental problems, etc.), traumas and injuries (to relieve pain, prevent complications, accelerate healing); and in chronic cases (hypertension, respiratory problems, dermatological problems, thyroidism of various kinds, anxiety states or mood alteration, up to autoimmune diseases, just to name a few possibilities). Given its holistic nature, it proves to be particularly suitable in those stages of life where major changes occur (childhood, puberty, menopause e.g.) or for the countless stressful situations faced by a large part of the population nowadays.
With homeopathy, all people from birth onward can be treated. Since the homeopathic route leads to the decrease of 'internal toxins,' it represents the best method of prevention imaginable.
NB: What is set out in these pages is not meant to be a tout court criticism of chemical pharmacopoeia, but rather a careful look at its overuse: for example: antibiotics should be used to save lives, not to suppress a bronchitis a cystitis or a sore throat... Prolonged and massive use of anti-inflammatories, painkillers, etc. is certainly not conducive to overall health. Just to exemplify the complexity of the topic, we recommend viewing this master lecture:
Good viewing!
For any further information and appointments you can contact our secretariat by phone, between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Tel: 091 923 36 66 (during office hours, also for urgent calls).
Recognized by all supplementary health insurance companies.
Consultations in : Italian/French/Spanish/German/English. --- by appointment
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 0800 - 1730 - For emergencies: 076 382 53 04 (out of office hours only!)
A link to better understand the principles of homeopathy:
La terapia proposta é efficace, la discussione arricchente e l’ambiente rilassato. Ci sono prende il tempo necessario e ci si sente a proprio agio.
January 3, 2022 | Andrea BronzMolto preparato e disponibile anche via telefono in caso di domande o dubbi
November 23, 2018 | claudio.dellasanta17