Sehr feines Gebäck und Patisserie, freundlich verkauft/serviert.
March 6, 2018 | localProduced fresh for you every day: various types of bread and pastries, canapés and sandwiches, salads, Bircher muesli (without sugar), various pastries and puff pastries.
Discover our exclusive, in-house range of pralines, Erusbacher Bierbrand pralines, Hilfiker Schlosssteine, our local specialty Villmergerli and Güügibuebe. Or an Erusbacher beer brandy cake, our nut-free hemptella (with hemp nuts), apple strudel, apricot crumble cake or the famous yeast rings.
Take a seat for a coffee or tea. Accompanied by a fine patisserie, a Berliner or a temptation from our praline display case.
For a z'Nüni or a simple lunch snack, a z'Vieri or a quick z'Nacht.
Planning an event? We offer a fine aperitif buffet and dessert or ask us for your special request.
Sehr feines Gebäck und Patisserie, freundlich verkauft/serviert.
March 6, 2018 | localHerzlichen Glückwunsch zu eurem 22. Hochzeitstag am Samstag 29.7.2017 Ernst und Maria-Louisa
July 28, 2017 | ml.sch