Da evitare servizi di scarsa qualità
December 18, 2024 | nicolepadel1234Dr. Gianfranco Benatti:
Doctor of Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, he graduated from the University of Milan in 2001 and is a member of the order of dentists of the Canton of Ticino, the Swiss Society of Dentistry (SSO) and the Ticino Society of Dentistry.
Dr. Benatti is assisted by a dental hygienist, a prophylaxis assistant and two chairside assistants.
The highest level of disinfection and sterilization methods are implemented in our facility. This allows for totally sterile instrumentation and environments sanitized from bio-chemical-physical pollution.
We have the latest generation of electromedical equipment, both in the diagnostic and operative-therapeutic sections, and these in turn are always up-to-date for each of the disciplines implemented.
We offer the possibility of operating in complete tranquility thanks to conscious sedation
Medical services675ze
The analgesic and sedative effect of the gas (chemically N2O, nitrous oxide) was already discovered in the 1800s. Since then it has been used as a narcotic gas millions of times. Its anxiolytic and sedative properties that make it an excellent means of treating fearful patients.
A mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide is administered through a small nasal mask.
Already after a few breaths, one can appreciate a feeling of lightness and relaxation, while still remaining conscious and in control of one's senses.
Along with fear, the perception of pain is also alleviated; this method also helps reduce the vomiting reflex and swallowing reflexes.
The dentist can choose the intensity of the sedative effect by varying the ratio of the "oxygen - nitrous oxide" mixture individually for each patient.
At the end of the session, the patient will be able to resume normal psycho-physical condition immediately since the gas mixture is not metabolized by the body.
Reticent children are always a big problem for parents and dentist, so nitrous oxide is an ideal aid for treating fearful children.
Thanks to the strong relaxing and anxiolytic action of the gas, about eighty percent of children who refuse dental treatment can be treated.
Reducing swallowing and vomiting reflexes and lowering the level of tension allow the proper fabrication of reconstructions (e.g., fillings) that hostile children often do not allow.
In many cases, thanks to conscious sedation, treatment under general anesthesia can be avoided.
Conscious sedation by inhalation is an extremely safe method: in millions of documented cases in the USA, where it is used by about 50% of dentists.
The method is not indicated for patients with difficult nasal breathing, or for people who cannot voluntarily breathe through the nose.
As a side effect, nausea and vomiting may occur in rare cases.
In our practice, sedation is administered under pulse oximetry control: a sensor placed on the finger constantly monitors the patient's heart rate and blood oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry), thus bringing constant control.
Modern technologies make it possible to support the physician in making complete and accurate diagnoses. Radiological investigations play a key role in every discipline of dentistry.
Thanks to radiographs, it is possible to accurately identify the anatomy of bones and teeth and the possible presence of pathology for early diagnosis and better treatment planning.
The importance of the diagnostic value of radiographs requires that they be taken with the most appropriate and advanced technique. Digital radiology allows, at a very low dosage of x-rays, examinations of excellent quality and diagnostic value.
Thanks to the radiological equipment within each facility, the patient has the opportunity to carry out the entire course of care, from diagnosis to final treatment.
Hygiene consists of plaque and tartar removal treatment. Specifically, professional oral hygiene includes:
tartar ablation: removal of supragingival tartar
root polishing: removal of subgingival tartar
polish: polishing of tooth surfaces by prophy paste and prophy jet (treatment with bicarbonate pressure jet).
The "golden rules" of proper prevention to keep teeth and mouth healthy are:
Endodontics deals with the pathology of the dental pulp and nerve tissue within the tooth. Endodontic treatment consists of removing nerve tissue, either at the crown or root level, and replacing the removed tissue with a permanent gutta-percha and root canal cement reconstruction, after proper shaping of the root canals.
Conservative is the branch of Dentistry that deals with the restoration of teeth that have, as a result of caries or trauma, enamel lesions and destruction of varying degrees of the dental crown. In the case of small or medium lesions, the direct method is applied, which consists of preparation of the tooth cavity and subsequent reconstruction. In the case of more severe lesions, the indirect technique is used, which consists of fitting a prosthesis in the oral cavity.
Turn to the doctor in the case of
Periodontal surgery is the prevention and diagnosis of periodontal tissue disease. Periodontal disease, once known as "Pyorrhea," involves the tissues (soft and hard) supporting the tooth and is caused by the presence of bacterial plaque and tartar in the mouth.
The disease mainly manifests itself through:
After the Doctor's examination, the Hygienist intervenes who reduces the bacterial load, due to plaque or tartar, through Scaling or Root Planing techniques.
When the disease is advanced, surgical techniques (e.g., regenerative therapies) can be used.
Refer to the physician in the case of
Implantology is that branch of dental surgery that aims to replace tooth roots that have been lost, through the use of titanium screws that are inserted into the mandibular or maxillary bone.
The surgical techniques that are used have made the procedure painless and allow the full restoration of function and aesthetics.
Inclusion of an implant preserves the bone from the process of atrophy it would undergo if not stimulated by chewing. The dental implant consists of three parts:
A small titanium screw that fits into the bone of the jaw.
A ceramic or titanium abutment that ensures a firm connection between the implant and the crown.
The crown that is applied above the abutment, completing the work.
There is no real risk of "rejection" in implant therapy as titanium is a metal defined as "biocompatible" not capable of eliciting immune reaction.
There is, however, the risk of "not fully achieving osseointegration": instead of bone tissue forming around the implant, fibrous tissue unsuitable for supporting loads is formed. Non-full osseointegration can occur due to inadequate screw movement or infection of the implanted area.
Dental prosthesis is an artificial substitute for natural teeth.
It is applied in cases of partial or complete edentulousness, or to correct cosmetic defects in tooth shape, position, and color, or, in some cases, to rehabilitate an occlusion that has dysfunction or pathology.
The prostheses can be:
Multi-unit bridges or single crowns that are cemented to the teeth and are no longer removable by the patient and can be metal ceramic or metal-free ceramic. Both of these types of fixed prostheses can be placed on natural teeth or on implants.
A dental implant can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or the entire arch.
The comfort and functionality of the implant will be like that of natural teeth
Dental implants eliminate the discomfort and insecurity of removable dentures (e.g., displacement)
Dental implants often eliminate the need to modify healthy teeth
Chewing is comparable to that of natural teeth
Prostheses that the patient can, and should, remove from the mouth for cleaning and can be partial resin, total resin, or skeletonized
Composed partly of fixed prostheses and partly of removable prostheses, closely interconnected, with precision attachment systems.
Refer to the doctor in the case of
Loss of one or more teeth (cosmetic, masticatory and digestive problem)
Fatigue in the daily management of the total removable denture (the denture)
Dental aesthetics. in addition to meeting the requirements of functionality, it is particularly concerned with the appearance of the mouth, taking care of all the anti-aesthetic dental imperfections.
We go about improving the aesthetics of the smile using different techniques, as needed, with minimal invasiveness and maximum results.
Aesthetic inlays (cemented restorations on the chewing part of a premolar or molar tooth).
Professional Whitening (through whitening agents that penetrate the enamel and dentin).
Refer to your doctor in the following cases
Your smile does not look good
Your teeth are not white enough
Pedodontics is the branch of general dentistry responsible for the care of the teeth and oral cavity in children.
It is particularly aimed at preventing the occurrence of carious lesions of milk teeth and intercepting any malocclusions in time. Included within pedodontics is pediatric orthodontics, which is the branch of orthodontics that deals with abnormalities of tooth position in children.
Education on oral hygiene in children contemplates a periodic visit to the dentist, the first one usually recommended between the ages of 4 and 6 years, to check if everything is all right, but more importantly to familiarize the child with tooth care.
Brush teeth at least twice a day (always morning and evening before bedtime)
Choose a toothbrush with a small head and gentle filaments
Apply a small amount of fluoride toothpaste to the toothbrush
Clean inside, outside and the chewing surface of the teeth
Always brush in the same order, with light pressure and in circular motions.
Position the bristles along the teeth and gum line at a 45° angle.
Sealings are performed on permanent molars that erupt at age 6 to effectively protect them from caries.
In a simple and absolutely painless procedure, the sealant, a light-hardening fluid resin, is applied into the grooves of the molars and prevents bacterial plaque from entering them.
This type of protection can last for several years and can also be adopted on the permanent teeth (molars and premolars) that will erupt later.
Da evitare servizi di scarsa qualità
December 18, 2024 | nicolepadel1234Da 0 stelle
December 18, 2024 | chanelchanel005