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Bakery pastry shop in Wittenbach
beckbecks-backwelt Maqsudi
beckbecks-backwelt Maqsudi
Bakery pastry shop in Wittenbach
- Monday6:00 to 11:30
- Tuesday6:00 to 11:30
- Wednesday6:00 to 11:30
- Thursday6:00 to 11:30
- Friday6:00 to 11:30
- Saturday6:00 to 11:30
- SundayClosed
- Monday6:00 to 11:30
- Tuesday6:00 to 11:30
- Wednesday6:00 to 11:30
- Thursday6:00 to 11:30
- Friday6:00 to 11:30
- Saturday6:00 to 11:30
- SundayClosed
- Monday
beckbecks-backwelt Maqsudi – Contacts & Location
Welcome to beck beck's-backwelt
My name is Jaafar Maqsudi and I come from a real bakery family. My father was already a baker and I had my own bakery with my brother, which he still runs independently. Now I am very pleased to be taking over and continuing beck beck's-backwelt after many years of working for the company.
In addition to our traditional Swiss baked goods, we now also offer bread specialties from the Middle East such as pide, lavash and rose bread.
The grain we use for our bread comes from organic farming (Bio Knospe) and is freshly ground on site every day. Our Bio Knospe breads are baked with spelt, sesame, wheat, rye and millet. You can find an overview of our organic bread baking plan below.
Whether Ruchbrot, Halbweissbrot, Gipfel, Brezel, Silser, Kokosmakronen, sweet pastries, sandwiches, Hebelbrot or Zopf (Saturdays only) - our daily fresh baked goods are available in our city store in St. Gallen.
Stadtladen, Katharinengasse 12, 9000 St. Gallen, www.stadtladen.ch
You can order our popular beavers, which are known far beyond the city limits, directly from www.biberhus.ch.
Other products can be ordered directly from the bakery. Please send orders to backstube@beckbeck.ch up to 48 hours before the desired collection date. We look forward to hearing from you.
- English,German
- Ancient grain bread,Apéritifs/Catering,Baguette,Birthday cakes,Black Forest cake/Cherry cake,Butterzopf (braided butter bread),Cakes,Canapés,Cheesecake,Confections,Cookies,Croissants,Focaccia,Half-white bread,Macaron,Mini cakes,Nut cake,Paninis,Party loaf,Pretzels,Rustic bread,Rye bread,Savory tarts,Small Swiss breads,Wedding cakes,Whole grain bread
- By telephone,Free consulting,In-store,On the customer’s premises,Online
- Home/office delivery,In-store pickup,Sustainable ingredient,Takeaway
- Accepts Credit-Card,Accepts EC-Card,Bill,Cash,TWINT
- Categories
- Bakery pastry shopConfectionersTakeout